Yogurt also spelled yoghurt, yogourt or yoghourt, is a food produced by bacterial fermentation of milk. The bacteria used to make yogurt are known as yogurt cultures. Fermentation of sugars in the milk by these bacteria produces lactic acid, which acts on milk protein to give yogurt its texture and characteristic tart flavor. Cow’s milk is the milk most commonly used to make yogurt. Milk from water buffalo, goats, ewes, mares, camels, and yaks are also used to produce yogurt. The milk used may be homogenized or not. It may be pasteurized or raw. Each type of milk produces substantially different results.

Yogurt is produced using a culture of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus bacteria. In addition, other lactobacilli and bifidobacteria are sometimes added during or after culturing yogurt. Some countries require yogurt to contain a specific amount of colony-forming units (CFU) of bacteria; in China, for example, the requirement for the number of lactobacillus bacteria is at least 1 million CFU per milliliter.

Types of Yogurt

Low fat or non-fat

Low-fat, or reduced-fat yogurt, is made with 2-percent milk. Non-fat yogurt is made with zero percent or skim milk.


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Kefir is a liquid yogurt for drinking. It contains probiotics and is easy to make at home by adding kefir grains to milk and leaving it to stand for 12 to 24 hours.

Greek yogurt

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Greek yogurt is thick and creamy. It can withstand heat better than regular yogurt and is often used in Mediterranean-style cooking and dips.

It is made by further straining regular yogurt to remove the liquid whey.

The result is a higher protein content, due to its thicker concentration, but the extra straining leads to a lower calcium content.

Greek yogurt is available in full fat, reduced or low fat and non-fat or zero percent.


Similar to Greek yogurt, skyr, pronounced “skeer,” is an Icelandic-style yogurt that is dense, creamy and high in protein. Compared to regular yogurt, skyr requires 4 times the amount of milk to make and contains 2 to 3 times more protein.

Frozen yogurt

Frozen yogurts are often seen as a healthful alternative to ice cream.

Is Yoghurt The Same As Curds?

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The difference between curd and yoghurt is subtle, both are dairy products made through somewhat similar methods. In yoghurt, bacteria are added to ferment the milk, producing lactic acid which gives yoghurt its texture and tangy taste. Curd on the other hand is made by adding acidic substances like lemon juice, vinegar or rennet to the milk which results in coagulation or curdling.

Yoghurt contains lactobacillus bacteria and some other bacteria, making it one of the top choices for naturally produced probiotics. Curds also contain some amount of bacteria, but not as much as yoghurt.  

Another difference between yoghurt and curds is that the curds can often be further processed to make cheese. Yoghurt and curds are both available in plain form or can be flavoured and sold as desserts and beverages. Lastly, while both curd and yoghurt contain lower amounts of lactose, yoghurt is more preferable for people with lactose intolerance. 

Health Benefits of Eating Yoghurt

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Improves Digestion

Consuming yoghurt every day, keeps our bowel movements regular and improves our body’s flora. It kills the harmful bacteria in the gut and makes our digestive system healthier.

Yoghurt is also found to be effective in lactose intolerance, constipation, inflammatory bowel disease and infections caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria.

Natural Immunity Booster

Regular consumption of yoghurt enhances our immune system and protects our body from a variety of infections. Yoghurt effectively fights against gastrointestinal infections, respiratory issues like common cold, flu and even cancer.

Magnesium, selenium and zinc in yoghurt also improve immunity. 

Reduces risk of Cancer

Yoghurt has anti-carcinogenic properties and is known to protect our body from colon, bladder and breast cancer.

Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

Regular consumption of homemade, unsweetened yoghurt helps to regulate blood sugar levels and is very good for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Good for Bones

Yoghurt is a rich source of calcium, thus making it ideal for improving bone health. Regular consumption of yoghurt, preserves bone mass and strength, thus reducing the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.

Reduces Inflammation

Daily consumption of yoghurt reduces inflammation in the body. Inflammation is responsible for most autoimmune diseases, diabetes, cancer and arthritis.

Reduces High Blood Pressure and Risk of Heart Diseases

Consuming yoghurt on a regular basis has shown to reduce blood pressure which is a major risk factor for diseases of the heart.

Thus, yoghurt results in reducing the risk of heart diseases.

Reduces Appetite and Weight

The high protein content of yoghurt makes us feel full, reduces our appetite and thus decreases our calorie consumption. This, in turn, promotes weight loss. 

Reduces Depression

Probiotics in yoghurt help in reducing anxiety and stress, thus making patients with depression feel better.

Reduces Symptoms of Allergy

Consuming yoghurt reduces the number of antibodies produced by our immune system in response to any kind of allergy. Probiotics present in yoghurt are responsible for this action.

Makes your teeth pretty

I know I am not alone in drinking copious amounts of coffee each day. While this habit keeps me awake, it does terrible things for my teeth. It seems that yogurt, although containing sugar, has no harmful effect on enamel. The lactic acid is thought to even have a positive effect in protecting gums and teeth from future damage.

May prevent the common cold

Sure, the common cold will always be there, but you could help to prevent it. One of the many benefits of yogurt is that it has immune boosting effects. Yogurt has been shown to make your T-cells, or cells that fight infection, stronger and more active.

Make Yoghurt at Home in 4 Easy Steps:

STEP 1:  Firstly heat the milk (use whole milk for thicker and creamier yoghurt) and switch off the gas just before it boils.

STEP 2: Let the milk cool down.

STEP 3: When the milk is just warm to touch, add yoghurt to it and stir well. ( Add around 2 tablespoons of yoghurt to 1 litre of milk).

STEP 4: Then, keep this mixture untouched in a warm place for about 6 to 8 hours ( or overnight).

Your homemade yoghurt will be ready. You can enjoy it as it is or refrigerate for future use.

Side Effects of Eating Yoghurt:

There are as such no side effects of eating yoghurt but it is recommended to consume homemade yoghurt as commercial ones are loaded with sugars and preservatives which are harmful to us.

Not all yogurts are healthful. Those without added sugar or unnecessary additives can be a healthful addition to the diet, but some products have high quantities of added sugar and other ingredients that may not be beneficial.

Natural yogurt can be a low-calorie, high-nutrient food packed with protein.

Reference : wikipedia.org , medicalnewstoday.com , pharmeasy.in