Han Ye Seul has tied the knot with her boyfriend!

On May 7, Han Ye Seul uploaded a video titled “Han Ye Seul Is” on her YouTube channel, announcing her marriage to her boyfriend. In the video, Han Ye Seul expressed her joy, saying, “I’ve been waiting forever to share this incredibly happy news with you all… My boyfriend and I have finally filed for marriage registration.”

She continued, “While we’re filming this, we’re preparing for the marriage registration, but by the time this video is released, we will already be married. So, we are now legally husband and wife. I’m a married woman now!” Han Ye Seul said, “To be honest, even while we were dating, I never thought of us as boyfriend and girlfriend, but rather as lifelong companions.

For me, it didn’t matter whether we got married or not, because I always thought of him as my only soulmate, my best friend for life, and my other half. So, I never felt the need [to get married].” Still, she explained, “The reason we decided to get married is to make the certainty of our relationship public to everyone,” and narrated, “I actually wanted to file for marriage registration on May 5, but it was Sunday.”

And it’s a public holiday, but I don’t know if that’s possible. “But I’m now officially a married woman!” she concluded with a cheerful comment. Her husband is very shy, but from now on he’ll show off in front of the camera!

A few hours later, Han Ye Seul shared on Instagram that they had officially submitted their marriage registration. She wrote in Korean, “Oh, we submitted our marriage registration today!!” We actually wanted to do it on Children’s Day, May 5, but it was a national holiday. I love spring, so I guess I wanted to be a May bride. Luckily, 7 is also my favorite number, so everything lined up perfectly and I couldn’t be happier.

While I wonder if the date is really that important when it comes to marrying the person I love, I also realize that life is really fun when I get excited and happy about such small decisions. I’ve been feeling very alive lately and looking forward to our upcoming days as one. I’m so excited and grateful.

I’m so grateful to be able to share this journey with you all and receive your abundant blessings. Thank you. ” Han Ye Seul added in English, “We just submitted our marriage registration!!” There was no ceremony or party, but who cares? We love each other and can’t wait to start our new day as husband and wife.

And neither of us are the ritualistic type. (Thank God!) (But maybe in the future if we change our minds.) But what I can say is that it was so much fun to get married without any stress or hassle! Anyway, thank you for all your blessings, and in return, I will continue to live my life happily!!”

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