What are Human Rights ?

Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person in the world, from birth until death. 

They apply regardless of where you are from, what you believe or how you choose to live your life.

They can never be taken away, although they can sometimes be restricted – for example if a person breaks the law, or in the interests of national security.

These basic rights are based on shared values like dignity, fairness, equality, respect and independence. 

These values are defined and protected by law.

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How do human rights help you?

Human rights are relevant to all of us, not just those who face repression or mistreatment.

They protect you in many areas of your day-to-day life, including:

  • your right to have and express your own opinions
  • your right to an education 
  • your right to a private and family life
  • your right not to be mistreated or wrongly punished by the state

Where do human rights come from?

The idea that human beings should have a set of basic rights and freedoms has deep roots in Britain.

Landmark developments in Britain include:

  • the Magna Carta of 1215
  • the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679
  • the Bill of Rights of 1689

See the British Library’s website for more information on these and other icons of liberty and progress.

What Are The 10 Basic Human Rights One Must Know?

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The Right To Life

Every individual has the right to live, which means it is the government’s responsibility to protect human rights and safeguard human life.

The Right To Freedom From Torture

This right means no individual should be subject to torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment.

The Right To Equal Treatment

Irrespective of their color, caste, religion, gender, every individual must be treated the same and this right reminds them of it.

The Right To Privacy

This right protects citizens from government or corporate overreach and surveillance.

The Right To ASYLUM

The right to asylum is an old right dated back to ancient times when churches were allowed to protect anyone including criminals who sought refuge in a church.

The Right To Marry

Every individual of legal age has the right to choose their life partners and marry them to start a family.

The Right To Freedom of Thought , Opinion and Expression

Every person has the right to hold opinions, follow a religion they want and change their beliefs.

The Right To Work

This right encompasses a variety of work-related concerns, which means everyone has the right to work but also has the right to work in favourable conditions.

The Right To Education

The right to education gives one the right to get educated. The UDHR states that education must be free till elementary school.

The Right to Social Services

The right to social services ensure that an individual has a certain standard of living. This includes clothing, housing, food, water, medical care and security.

Source : news18.com equalityhumanrights.com