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What Causes Dark Spots?

  1. Sun Exposure
  2. Melasma : Melasma and other skin conditions can also cause dark spots. Small areas of the body may become discolored as a result of this, which is more prevalent in women. It is typically seen during pregnancy.
  3. Medication: Certain medications like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and psychotropic drugs can lead to hyper-pigmentation.
  4. Inflammation/Wounds: Sometimes, a dark spot may be left behind after a pimple/acne outbreak. This usually fades away with time. People with lighter skin tones tend to have red/purple spots. Those with a darker complexion typically have brown spots.
  5. Skin Products: One must always be careful about what they use on their skin. Some products may cause irritation and leave a dark patch behind.

Home Remedies to Treat Dark Spots

Men and women all over the world use these home remedies to get rid of dark spots. Pick the right fixings in light of your skin type.

A. Aloe Vera

The aloe vera plant contains the active compound aloin. Aloin and the plant’s leaf extract have been shown to lighten skin in studies. It is regularly utilized by individuals to ease up dull spots.

B. Vitamin C

Vitamin C-rich citrus fruits like oranges, mandarins, and lemons help lighten sunspots and increase collagen production in the body.

Lemon juice is a common home remedy for treating a variety of skin conditions. It is a well-liked component in numerous products that lighten skin. However, its acidic properties may dry out the skin and irritate it. Lemon juice should not be consumed by those who have sensitive skin.

C. Yogurt

Yogurt contains lactic corrosive that decreases the presence of dull spots. A fantastic face mask is made with yogurt and lemon!

D. Calamine Lotion

Mild skin conditions can be treated with calamine lotion. These incorporate sun related burns, irritation and redness. The World Health Organization’s “List of Essential Medicines” includes calamine lotion.

Calamine salve contains Kaolin, which is utilized in dim spot evacuation creams. The lotion can lighten dark spots if applied frequently.

E. Orange Peel

Hesperidin is contained in orange peel. Research shows that this fixing eases up dim spots.

Mixing dry orange peel powder with water yields an orange peel face mask. It should only be applied once per day to the affected area.

How to Prevent Dark Spots?

Exposure to the sun directly is the most common cause of dark spots. The skin’s production of melanin is boosted by ultraviolet rays. Keep in mind the following preventative measures:


Sunscreen assumes an imperative part in safeguarding your skin from bright beams. Select a sunscreen for your skin type. It ought to be worn consistently to keep away from hyperpigmentation.

Cover With Hat or Cloth

Carry a hat or a stole if you’re daring and enjoy spending long hours in the sun. With these accessories, you can shield your face from the sun’s rays.

Hyperpigmentation and dark spots can be easily treated in today’s technologically advanced world. For best results, consult a professional prior to treatment.

Reference: skinkraft.com