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What can be done to control or relieve a cough?

Treating a hack will rely upon what is causing the hack. Your physician may prescribe an antibiotic or other antiviral medication to you if you have an infection; however, the majority of viral coughs do not necessitate the use of antivirals. Alterations to one’s diet or the use of a proton pump inhibitor or H2 blocker may be recommended for GERD.

Coughs can be eased with water. Drinking it can alleviate throat irritation and dryness, which can cause a cough. Another way to get rid of a cough is to use a vaporizer to add it to the air or take a hot shower.

A cough can also be relieved by quitting smoking and avoiding other irritating substances. Medicines, scents (such as candles or perfume), smoke, and allergens are examples of these irritants.

What over-the-counter treatments can I use for cough?

For adults, there are numerous over-the-counter cough syrups and medications available. They have not been shown to be any more effective than a spoonful of honey in general. Butterscotch hard candies and cough drops can ease your sore throat. Hot drinks like tea, especially those with honey in them, may also help.

If your child is under the age of six, you should not give them cough medicines without first getting their doctor’s permission.

How can cough be prevented?

Avoiding irritants that you are aware cause you to cough can help you avoid some types of cough.

Coughs caused by infections can be prevented by:

  • getting pneumonia, COVID-19, and influenza vaccines.
  • avoiding sick individuals.
  • Do not touch your mouth, nose, or eyes.
  • Use hand sanitizers or soap and water to frequently wash your hands.

When should I call my healthcare provider about a cough?

Call your doctor for specific guidance if you or your child suffer from a chronic illness.

In general, if you experience the following symptoms in addition to a persistent cough:

  • Wheezing (a sound made when you exhale).
  • fever that lasts for more than two days or exceeds 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Chills.
  • Phlegm, also known as sputum or thick mucus, particularly phlegm that is yellow, green, or bloody.

If you have a cough and the following conditions:

  • You might be choking.
  • Having trouble breathing.
  • When you cough, you’ll see a lot of blood.
  • Have significant chest pain.

How do I know if my cough is serious?

Your provider may ask:

  • If you use or did use tobacco, marijuana, or if you do or have vaped.
  • What kind of work you do.
  • How long you have been coughing.
  • How well you breathe when you are resting and when you are working hard.
  • If the cough keeps you from sleeping well.
  • If anything comes up when you cough (like phlegm or blood).
  • What medicines you take.
  • If you have a bad taste in your mouth.
  • If you have bad breath that will not go away.
  • If you have pain, especially in your face.
  • If you have lost weight without trying.

Can pregnancy make you cough?

Although your immune system changes during pregnancy, coughing is not usually a side effect. This could indicate that you develop a cold or cough while pregnant. Additionally, the cough or cold may last longer.

If your illness lasts longer than you expected or if you have trouble eating, sleeping, or breathing, you should talk to your doctor.

What does it mean if I cough after eating?

If you cough after eating, something may have “gone down the wrong way,” meaning that it went toward your lungs rather than your stomach. Most of the time, our upper airways are designed to prevent food or drink from reaching our lungs. You’ll cough, but it won’t usually be serious, if food does end up in the “wrong pipe.” What you eat or drink can sometimes break through that barrier and get into your lungs. Aspiration is the term for this, and it can happen if you have trouble swallowing or have other digestive or lung issues. Assuming that you much of the time generally disapprove of hacking and eating, let your medical care supplier know.