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Zinc is an essential nutrient found in a variety of plant and animal foods, along with supplements. It plays a key role in skin health, immune function, and cell growth and may protect against acne, inflammation, and other conditions.

Zinc is a nutrient that plays many vital roles in your body.

Because your body doesn’t naturally produce zinc, you must obtain it through food or supplements.

This article explains everything you need to know about zinc, including its functions, health benefits, dosage recommendations, and potential side effects.

What is zinc?

Zinc is considered an essential nutrient, meaning that your body can’t produce or store it.

For this reason, you must get a constant supply through your diet.

Zinc is required for numerous processes in your body, including:

  • gene expression
  • enzymatic reactions
  • immune function
  • protein synthesis
  • DNA synthesis
  • wound healing
  • growth and development

Zinc is naturally found in a wide variety of both plant and animal foods.

Foods that don’t naturally contain this mineral, such as breakfast cereals and snack bars, are often fortified with synthetic forms of zinc.

You can also take zinc supplements or multi-nutrient supplements that provide zinc.

Because of its role in immune function, zinc is likewise added to some lozenges and other natural cold treatments.

Health benefits

Research shows that zinc has numerous health benefits.

Boosts your immune system

Zinc helps keep your immune system strong.

Because it is necessary for immune cell function and cell signaling, a deficiency can lead to a weakened immune response.

Zinc supplements stimulate particular immune cells and reduce oxidative stress.

For example, a review of seven studies demonstrated that 80–92 milligrams (mg) per day of zinc may reduce the length of the common cold by up to 33%.

What’s more, some older research suggests that zinc supplements significantly reduce the risk of infections and promote immune response in older adults.

Accelerates wound healing

Zinc is commonly used in hospitals as a treatment for burns, certain ulcers, and other skin injuries.

Because this mineral plays critical roles in collagen synthesis, immune function, and inflammatory response, it is necessary for proper healing.

In fact, your skin holds a relatively high amount — about 5% — of your body’s zinc content.

While a zinc deficiency can slow wound healing, supplementing with zinc can speed recovery in people with wounds.

For example, in a 12-week study in 60 people with diabetic foot ulcers, those treated with 50 mg of zinc per day experienced significant reductions in ulcer size compared to a placebo group.

May reduce the risk of certain age-related diseases

Zinc may significantly reduce your risk of age-related diseases, such as pneumonia, infection, and age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Zinc may relieve oxidative stress and improve immune response by boosting the activity of T-cells and natural killer cells, which help protect your body from infection.

Older adults who supplement with zinc in some older studies experience improved influenza vaccination response, reduced risk of pneumonia, and boosted mental performance.

May help treat acne

Acne is a common skin disease that is estimated to affect up to 9.4% of the global population.

Acne is driven by obstruction of oil-producing glands, bacteria, and inflammation.

Studies suggest that both topical and oral zinc treatments can effectively treat acne by reducing inflammation, inhibiting the growth of P. acnes bacteria, and suppressing oil gland activity.

People with acne tend to have lower levels of zinc. Therefore, supplements may help reduce symptoms.

Food sources

Many animal and plant foods are naturally rich in zinc, making it easy for most people to consume adequate amounts.

Foods highest in zinc include:

  • Shellfish: oysters, crab, mussels, lobster, and clams
  • Meat: beef, pork, lamb, and bison
  • Poultry: turkey and chicken
  • Fish: flounder, sardines, salmon, and sole
  • Legumes: chickpeas, lentils, black beans, kidney beans, etc.
  • Nuts and seeds: pumpkin seeds, cashews, hemp seeds, etc.
  • Dairy products: milk, yogurt, and cheese
  • Eggs
  • Whole grains: oats, quinoa, brown rice, etc.
  • Certain vegetables: mushrooms, kale, peas, asparagus, and beet greens

Animal products, such as meat and shellfish, contain high amounts of zinc in a form that your body easily absorbs.

Keep in mind that zinc found in plant-based sources like legumes and whole grains is absorbed less efficiently because of other plant compounds that inhibit absorption.

While many foods are naturally high in zinc, certain foods — such as ready-to-eat breakfast cereals and snack bars — are fortified with zinc.